Regina Felinaby Dell |
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The entire contents of Regina Felina is copyright, (c), ©, 2000 David L. Lerner (Dell) and 2100 Enterprises, including all characters, images, backgrounds, and events, and may not be used without permission, except for small excerpts for review purposes.
You may set up a link to any page, but any link directly to an image without permission will be construed as violation of copyright.
All characters are fictitious, and any similarities to actual people, institutions, or events are coincidental, and highly unlikely.
All trademarks and copyrights not owned by David L. Lerner (Dell) are used satirically, and are not, and should not be construed as, a challenge to said trademark or copyright.
If you desire to use anything you think might be protected by copyright feel free to contact me.
For more information about Copyright check out Brad Templeton's 10 Big Myths about copyright explained </LEGAL MODE>